


Personally, I discovered the magic of e-learning a few years ago and since then I’ve followed online courses in all sorts of topics from entrepreneurship and bookkeeping to food photography and social media management.

It has helped me tremendously in the creation of my practice and in combining my profession with my family.

E-learning offers many advantages:

  • Easy access: a huge amount of knowledge, just a few clicks away

  • Convenience: you take the course whenever suits you (in my case that would be when the kids are asleep)

  • Self-paced: you decide how fast you go or if you want to skip or replay a module

  • Time saving: you don’t lose time travelling to a classroom or training event

  • Flexible: You can even learn while travelling to or from work, or from the comfort of your sofa, bed, bath, garden, kitchen…

  • Value for money: most e-courses are available at a very interesting price


To share my experience and help as many people as possible, I’ll be developing a range of e-courses about nutrition that will be uploaded here later this year.

If you wish to be notified when my e-courses are launched, please fill out the form below and you’ll get an email straight to your inbox as soon as an e-course is available.

Let me know which topics are of most interest to you so I can keep you updated and if you have a particular interest that you don’t see on the list below, don’t forget to mention that too.


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