
Tamari-roasted pumpkin & sunflower seeds



This recipe was my first encounter with pumpkin and sunflower seeds when I was about eight years old.

As you can read here my mom was a health foodie avant la lettre, and this was one of the first recipes she brought home from a vegetarian cooking class.

It was an instant love affair that has stayed with me ever since. And one I’ve enthusiastically shared with friends, family, clients, or anyone who has ever tried them and fallen in love as well. Because believe me or not, whether vegan or junk food addicts, EVERYONE loves these tamari roasted seeds.

I always have a jar on my kitchen top, ready to be added to soups, salads, or veggies, or popped into the hands of hungry little ones circling around my legs when I’m cooking dinner.

These seeds have too many benefits not to try them:

  • They taste amazing
  • They’re super easy to make,
  • Ready in 5 minutes,
  • Made with 3 healthy ingredients,
  • A great alternative to chips and other commercial salty snacks,
  • A fancy and crunchy addition to salads, soups, and veggie dishes

Are seeds really that healthy?

Yes they are!

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are an abundant source of protein and fiber and provide tons of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, B1, B5, B6, and B12, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, copper, and iron. They’re also high in healthy fats.

These help our bodies protect against cancer, heart attacks, and strokes, and have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties as well.

Yields1 Serving
Total Time7 mins


½ cup pumpkin seeds
½ cup sunflower seeds
1 tbsp tamari (gluten free soy sauce), or soy sauce

*Unless stated differently, my recipes are measured with US measuring cups like these ones



Dry-roast the seeds in a pan on medium-high, stirring often. This will take 5-7 minutes. Watch them carefully to avoid burning.


When most of the pumpkin seeds have popped and the sunflower seeds have turned light brown, remove the pan from the heat and immediately add the tamari, stirring quickly to coat all the seeds (the tamari will dry instantly so it’s important to stir immediately after adding it)


You can enjoy them warm or cold. They stay crispy for about a week in an airtight container




 ½ cup pumpkin seeds
 ½ cup sunflower seeds
 1 tbsp tamari (gluten free soy sauce), or soy sauce



Dry-roast the seeds in a pan on medium-high, stirring often. This will take 5-7 minutes. Watch them carefully to avoid burning.


When most of the pumpkin seeds have popped and the sunflower seeds have turned light brown, remove the pan from the heat and immediately add the tamari, stirring quickly to coat all the seeds (the tamari will dry instantly so it’s important to stir immediately after adding it)


You can enjoy them warm or cold. They stay crispy for about a week in an airtight container


Tamari-Roasted Pumpkin & Sunflower Seeds
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